Hyper Realism 2: The Fallen Poptart

After The War...

I Stayed in a Deep Depresion That Seemed Endless
TrollPasta: The Fallen Poptart
So Me And Olga 3 weeks Later Still Having Nightmares About The Popcorn heard a Noise At 13 o clock.       

Until My Luck Changed When I Bought A Retirement Home

we went to check it out Hyper Realisticly then a sonic.exe.jpg.txt.doc.html.wmv ate a poptart violently then      
inside the poptart was a not that said "Dear Pesky Plumbers, The Kooplings and I ha                        
(WRONG    MESSAGE) Take 2! *smack* ACTION!!!! "i left you a treat"  then i saw a picture (Above) and then i about died with fear                                                            
and then a package arrived and was written in blood and then we popped the tape in the XBOX and we
watched it, the remains in of the popcorn where begging for mercy! (if you dont get that, look at Hyper
Realism the trollpasta) Then the guy look at the surviver popcorn AND STEPPED ON THEM! Tom Kenny
thought It Was a morbid Joke, Then Timmy Turner shot godzilla hyper realisticly Then Missing Lavender
Town Video game.exe Showed up and the game was called
LNTING.exe.jpg.txt.doc.html.pepsiissurperiortocokeacola.and then we watched it and bookwormdrank soda
and said ''YEEEEEAEEAEAEAEAEAEAAAAAA!'' then a dog was in trhe army for 11 minuites then the
video skipped most of the title then a glass of milk lay a shotgun in his hand shot a pushpen in the face and
the pushpen grew a surfbaord in his yard while tails was in the fetal position and turned around with poptart
on his face laughing manicly, I was frizen with horror, when Tails noticed my expression and said ''My''
desire is to cover you in peanut butter''  shrek and then a clone shrek arose from the depths of the shadows''
and spewed peanut butter out of their foreheads, tails appraoched and sauntered forawd to do... who knows
what, then a buried alive and ghost got got at the hands of r-Truth then the rag tag cop who plays by none's
rules got on a house in lavender town then turned into a fish for grumpy cat, nyan cat, and keyboard cat to
eat then a radioactive slug devorerd sonic and tails then a blast came out of nowhere....the poptart with his
army of herobrine clones was damaged and then he had pixalated along with docter who, then luigi go t mad
beacause the title is called mario world so sonic.exe exploded THE END?